During the last week of the year I take the time to reflect on the year and the blessings that I have received, this becomes my list of 100 things I am grateful for. These are in no special order, just how they came to me while reflecting on the year. Here goes...
I am grateful to have celebrated my marriage of 27 years to my incredible husband Steve...
I am grateful for the incredible four children that I have been blessed with...
I am grateful for a loving and supportive family...
I am grateful for my families health and wellness...
I am grateful that we have my parents for another year...
I am grateful that Melissa has a job she really enjoys at Cycle Barn...
I am grateful that Kyle has a job at Super Supplements and enjoys it...
I am grateful for the birthday trip that Steve took me on...
I am thankful for the daily miracles in my life...
I am grateful for all the incredible books I have read...
I am grateful that I have reconnected with many old friends...
I am grateful for Steve’s employment with the City of Seattle as Sign Inspector...
I am grateful for our house and everything within it...
I am grateful for the power of meditation and what it is contributing to my life...
I am grateful for the wondrous body that God has created for my spirit to be housed...
I am grateful I have learned to fully forgive...
I am grateful that I can be truly reflective and learn from everything I encounter...
I am grateful to have celebrated many birthdays and holidays with my family...
I am grateful for everything I learned about supplements while working at SS...
I am grateful I discovered the transformational world...
I am grateful for the new friends I made this year...
I am grateful for all the fun times with the family and the memories we made...
I am grateful my whole family was here for Thanksgiving and Christmas...
I am grateful that Melissa found a great man and that we enjoy his company also...
I am grateful for disappointments, because now I can recognize joy...
I am grateful to have discovered that authenticity in myself is very important...
I am grateful I had a weekly date night with Steve every week...
I am grateful I didn’t gain any extra weight...
I am grateful for the time I had to enjoy nature...
I am grateful for the opportunity to reinvent myself daily...
I am grateful for every tomorrow God has given me...
I am grateful to have helped many people which reconfirmed my desire to become a life coach...
I am grateful that I discovered that being me is enough...
I am grateful I have learned the power of using affirmations in my daily life...
I am grateful that I have discovered meditation as a way to relax...
I am grateful for all the fun things that we have to entertain our family...
I am grateful for our animals and what they bring to our life...
I am grateful we had enough money to live a comfortable life style...
I am grateful I was blessed with another year with my husband and kids...
I am grateful to have a house where we can spread out and have space...
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to donated money to worthy causes...
I am grateful that I discovered having gratitude in everything we do is truly life changing...
I am grateful that Melissa and David were able to move in with us so that David and Melissa could go back to school...
I am grateful for my children’s friends and what they bring into their lives...
I am grateful for the people in my children’s lives that help them to grow...
I am grateful for reliable transportation for everyone in the family...
I am grateful that I am able to except love and understanding and in return give love and understanding...
I am grateful for the struggles so I know what is truly important in my life...
I am grateful to for laughter...
I am grateful for tears...
I am grateful for the smile's I receive and give daily...
I am grateful for my children’s smiles and laughs and the humor they bring into my life..
I am grateful I am free...
I am grateful for my faith and that I can choose to worship however I want ...
I am grateful for the growth I have made this year...
I am grateful for my life...
I am grateful for music and the way it makes me feel when I listen to it...
I am grateful for sunshine that we did have this year...
I am grateful for housework because it means I have a home...
I am grateful for laundry because it means we have clothes to wear...
I am grateful for change, and the growth that comes with it...
I am grateful for a husband that helps around the house...
I am grateful for naps and the chance to recharge...
I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have met this year and what each has added to my life...
I am grateful that I continued to live a life of courage and fearlessness...
I am grateful for the peaceful moments I have had this year...
I am grateful that my husband likes to spend time with me...
I am grateful that I can worship God any way and any where I wish too...
I am grateful that I was able to realize just who I can count on and who I can’t...
I am grateful I can walk, talk, write, listen and read...
I am grateful that I can see through my eyes but also through my heart...
I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve others...
I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to teach others...
I am grateful for my Ipod / Kindle Fire / IPad and being able to listen to books and music on it, technology is great...
I am grateful for true friendship...
I am grateful for my very large supply of supplements...
I am grateful for the beach and the peaceful calming feeling I get when I visit one...
I am grateful for the seasons and what each one brings with it...
I am grateful that even during a time of war I feel safe and protected...
I am grateful for our military and the peace and protection they provide...
I am grateful for those in the community that serve and protect us...
I am grateful for the relaxation techniques I have found...
I am grateful to have learned that Happiness is not a destination but a way of life...
I am grateful for the technology that we have available to us...
I am grateful that even after 30 years I still love my husbands company...
I am grateful to be an American...
I am grateful that God has given me another year to reflect on...
I am grateful to be able to look for the perfect job that is meant just for me...
I am grateful for unemployment benefits that allow me to look fore the perfect job...
I am grateful for "A Course in Miracles" and what I am learning...
I am grateful for the new "guru's" in my life and what I am learning from these incredible leaders...
I am grateful for candles and flowers in my home, two of my very favorite things...
I am grateful that I have been blessed with an incredible family...
I am grateful for the time we had with Houdini...
I am grateful for the unconditional love of Tazzie and the protection she provides...
I am grateful that I discovered that I have a huge love of health and wellness and that I have been able to help myself and my family through everything I have learned...
I am grateful that I rediscovered my love of making jewelry...
I am grateful for the beauty of Washington State...
I am grateful for the lessons I have learned this year...
I am grateful for my husbands loving advice...
I am grateful I had the opportunity to look back on 2011 and count my many, many blessings...
I am grateful for the opportunities that the shift of 2013 will bring...