I have a love of learning and when I become interested in something I love to study it. Some of the things I am studying right now include: Authenticity, Happiness, Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Herbal Remedies, Energy Healing, Crystals, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Gratitude, Rituals, Chakra, Aruvedic Medicine and Doshas, Essential Oils, Cannabis, Moon Cycles, Positive Thinking, Yoga and Tarot just to name a few.

This blog is one place to keep all the information I come a cross that I don't want to lose. Feel free to take a look around.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Vision Board

A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that helps in manifesting your dreams into reality by activating the law of attraction. I am kicking off the New Year by creating a vision board to help bring more of what I desire into my life. By keeping your vision board in a place where you can reflect on it each day it will create subconscious connections to your dreams and provide opportunity to allow the dreams to blossom.

This is my finished vision board that as you can see quickly took over a closet door in my bedroom. Perfect place to reflect each day, after my meditation time.

The areas that I chose to work on this year are:
  • Finding a  career I LOVE
  • Having a peaceful tranquil life though meditation.
  • Attracting abundance.
  • Going back to school to be a life coach.
  • Becoming healthy, strong and fit
  • Thinking positive & happy thoughts in all that I do.
  • A family vacation to Hawaii.
  • Whole food, healthy food
Here are close up shots of the boards
Having a peaceful tranquil life though meditation.

Becoming Strong, Healthy and Fit
Thinking positive happy thoughts in all I do

Whole food, healthy food
Family vacation to Hawaii
Going Back to school for a Life Coaching Degree
Attracting Abundance
Finding a career I LOVE

Saturday, December 29, 2012


There is loads of research showing the power of smiling to improve you physical and emotional well being. When you smile, you're flooding your system with positive neuro-chemicals such as endorphins, serotonin, and the "love hormone" oxyocin.

Studies have shown that even deliberately putting a smile on your face has many of the same effects as spontaneous smile.

Start My  Internal  Love  Engine   

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Mother Theresa

Friday, December 28, 2012

Intentions for 2013

Creating the world we want starts with setting intentions. Once those intentions are set it is time to take action steps to make it a reality. We all know there are many problems in the world, now it is time to be part of the solution. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all used our energy and took the necessary steps to live in a harmonious and blissful world. On the left side of this page you will see my personal intentions for 2013 and my monthly intention for the world. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!

This month my intention for the world is to make sure I smile at everyone that I come into contact with. After all, it is amazing how a little smile can brighten the darkest of days both for the giver and the receiver.

What are your intentions for the new year.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

100 Gratitudes of 2012

During the last week of the year I take the time to reflect on the year and the blessings that I have received, this becomes my list of 100 things I am grateful for. These are in no special order, just how they came to me while reflecting on the year. Here goes...

I am grateful to have celebrated my marriage of 27 years to my incredible husband Steve...

I am grateful for the incredible four children that I have been blessed with...

I am grateful for a loving and supportive family...

I am grateful for my families health and wellness...

I am grateful that we have my parents for another year...

I am grateful that Melissa has a job she really enjoys at Cycle Barn...

I am grateful that Kyle has a job at Super Supplements and enjoys it...

I am grateful for the birthday trip that Steve took me on...

I am thankful for the daily miracles in my life...

I am grateful for all the incredible books I have read...

I am grateful that I have reconnected with many old friends...

I am grateful for Steve’s employment with the City of Seattle as Sign Inspector...

I am grateful for our house and everything within it...

I am grateful for the power of meditation and what it is contributing to my life...

I am grateful for the wondrous body that God has created for my spirit to be housed...

I am grateful I have learned to fully forgive...

I am grateful that I can be truly reflective and learn from everything I encounter...

I am grateful to have celebrated many birthdays and holidays with my family...

I am grateful for everything I learned about supplements while working at SS...

I am grateful I discovered the transformational world...

I am grateful for the new friends I made this year...

I am grateful for all the fun times with the family and the memories we made...

I am grateful my whole family was here for Thanksgiving and Christmas...

I am grateful that Melissa found a great man and that we enjoy his company also...

I am grateful for disappointments, because now I can recognize joy...

I am grateful to have discovered that authenticity in myself is very important...

I am grateful I had a weekly date night with Steve every week...

I am grateful I didn’t gain any extra weight...

I am grateful for the time I had to enjoy nature...

I am grateful for the opportunity to reinvent myself daily...

I am grateful for every tomorrow God has given me...

I am grateful to have helped many people which reconfirmed my desire to become a life coach...

I am grateful that I discovered that being me is enough...

I am grateful I have learned the power of using affirmations in my daily life...

I am grateful that I have discovered meditation as a way to relax...

I am grateful for all the fun things that we have to entertain our family...

I am grateful for our animals and what they bring to our life...

I am grateful we had enough money to live a comfortable life style...

I am grateful I was blessed with another year with my husband and kids...

I am grateful to have a house where we can spread out and have space...

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to donated money to worthy causes...

I am grateful that I discovered having gratitude in everything we do is truly life changing...

I am grateful that Melissa and David were able to move in with us so that David and Melissa could go back to school...

I am grateful for my children’s friends and what they bring into their lives...

I am grateful for the people in my children’s lives that help them to grow...

I am grateful for reliable transportation for everyone in the family...

I am grateful that I am able to except love and understanding and in return give love and understanding...

I am grateful for the struggles so I know what is truly important in my life...

I am grateful to for laughter...

I am grateful for tears...

I am grateful for the smile's I receive and give daily...

I am grateful for my children’s smiles and laughs and the humor they bring into my life..

I am grateful I am free...

I am grateful for my faith and that I can choose to worship however I want ...

I am grateful for the growth I have made this year...

I am grateful for my life...

I am grateful for music and the way it makes me feel when I listen to it...

I am grateful for sunshine that we did have this year...

I am grateful for housework because it means I have a home...

I am grateful for laundry because it means we have clothes to wear...

I am grateful for change, and the growth that comes with it...

I am grateful for a husband that helps around the house...

I am grateful for naps and the chance to recharge...

I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have met this year and what each has added to my life...

I am grateful that I continued to live a life of courage and fearlessness...

I am grateful for the peaceful moments I have had this year...

I am grateful that my husband likes to spend time with me...

I am grateful that I can worship God any way and any where I wish too...

I am grateful that I was able to realize just who I can count on and who I can’t...

I am grateful I can walk, talk, write, listen and read...

I am grateful that I can see through my eyes but also through my heart...

I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve others...

I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to teach others...

I am grateful for my Ipod / Kindle Fire / IPad and being able to listen to books and music on it, technology is great...

I am grateful for true friendship...

I am grateful for my very large supply of supplements...

I am grateful for the beach and the peaceful calming feeling I get when I visit one...

I am grateful for the seasons and what each one brings with it...

I am grateful that even during a time of war I feel safe and protected...

I am grateful for our military and the peace and protection they provide...

I am grateful for those in the community that serve and protect us...

I am grateful for the relaxation techniques I have found...

I am grateful to have learned that Happiness is not a destination but a way of life...

I am grateful for the technology that we have available to us...

I am grateful that even after 30 years I still love my husbands company...

I am grateful to be an American...

I am grateful that God has given me another year to reflect on...

I am grateful to be able to look for the perfect job that is meant just for me...

I am grateful for unemployment benefits that allow me to look fore the perfect job...

I am grateful for "A Course in Miracles" and what I am learning...

I am grateful for the new "guru's" in my life and what I am learning from these incredible leaders...

I am grateful for candles and flowers in my home, two of my very favorite things...

I am grateful that I have been blessed with an incredible family...

I am grateful for the time we had with Houdini...

I am grateful for the unconditional love of Tazzie and the protection she provides...

I am grateful that I discovered that I have a huge love of health and wellness and that I have been able to help myself and my family through everything I have learned...

I am grateful that I rediscovered my love of making jewelry...

I am grateful for the beauty of Washington State...

I am grateful for the lessons I have learned this year...

I am grateful for my husbands loving advice...

I am grateful I had the opportunity to look back on 2011 and count my many, many blessings...

I am grateful for the opportunities that the shift of 2013 will bring...