I have a love of learning and when I become interested in something I love to study it. Some of the things I am studying right now include: Authenticity, Happiness, Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Herbal Remedies, Energy Healing, Crystals, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Gratitude, Rituals, Chakra, Aruvedic Medicine and Doshas, Essential Oils, Cannabis, Moon Cycles, Positive Thinking, Yoga and Tarot just to name a few.

This blog is one place to keep all the information I come a cross that I don't want to lose. Feel free to take a look around.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Being Happy, The Goal Of All Goals

A Good Reminder: Like Attracts Like

 Obviously, being happy on a day to day basis feels better than being anxious, worried, stressed or depressed. But there is another great reason to become a happier person. When you consistently work on improving your happiness, the things that you attract into your life will being to match those new and improved feelings. Life will start to become easier and much more fun. Problems that have persisted for a long time will suddenly resolve themselves, and where you experience conflict, you will start to see peace.
~ Andy Baggott author of Blissology.

 How much easier can you get...think happy thoughts and happiness will follow! Dwell on sickness and bad health and you will get more of the same, sickness and bad health! Like Attracts Like!!! Now to put it into action.

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