I have a love of learning and when I become interested in something I love to study it. Some of the things I am studying right now include: Authenticity, Happiness, Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Herbal Remedies, Energy Healing, Crystals, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Gratitude, Rituals, Chakra, Aruvedic Medicine and Doshas, Essential Oils, Cannabis, Moon Cycles, Positive Thinking, Yoga and Tarot just to name a few.

This blog is one place to keep all the information I come a cross that I don't want to lose. Feel free to take a look around.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What Is My Hearts Desire?

You can do this practice anytime and anywhere, sitting up or laying down. Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes and relax your body.

Bring your attention to your heart center; focus your breath on your heart. Let your breathing be soft and normal.

With your focus on your heart, ask yourself, "What is my heart's desire?"

Wait a few moments and listen. Don't try to answer the question by thinking of what you want or by making something up because you think it's the right thing to want.

Be authentic. Wait,  listening in the silence. You may or may not hear the answer right away. The desires will arise in their owe time now that you have given yourself permission to want something.

If you already know what you want, then you can gently bring your attention to those desires in your mind and heart. If you don't know what you want  yet, however, simply sit quietly with the question.

Do not get into a story of how, when, who, or where it will manifest. Let go of any aversion, too - those thoughts of what you don't want. Simply pay attention to what you desire.detach from the outcome of this process. Do this for a few minutes before opening your eyes slowly. - Sarah McLean


The Code - Ten Intentions for a Better World

My Intentions for My Life

I intend to experience greater and greater levels of magic, fun, creativity, connectedness with the divine, peace, prosperity, abundance, safety, elegance, ease, health, healing, divine grace, divine guidance, joy, freedom, beauty, trust, wisdom and love.

I intend to live every waking minute of every day conscious, awake and aware in the present moment while feeling as much joy as possible.

I intend to discover what I truly desire.

 I intend to discover which path will bring me the highest joy.

I intend to create a life of ease, safety, security and abundance.

I intend to be clear, conscious and awake regarding my life direction.

I intend to live the life I was born to live and as fully as possible, discovering my genius, live the life I love and consciously create my reality with fun, joy and laughter. 

I intend to change all subconscious and unconscious beliefs, drives, patterns and projections that keep me from living the life I was born to live.

I intend to be a courageous adventurer and risk taker - secure and confident about who I am.

I intend to see beauty in everyone and everything I see.

I intend to feel totally safe and secure and feel that I am always in the right place at the right time for all my intentions to come true.

I intend to live in the now and feel a greater and greater depth of love, fun, joy, happiness, ecstasy, compassion and caring for myself and others.

I intend to have fun continuously and to open more every day my creativity, psychic abilities and passions.

I intend to explore this beautiful world allowing my reality to guide me to experiences, adventures, information,and knowing and people who will delight me I every way.

I intend that all my relationships be filled with as much fun, joy, love, light, kindness and compassion as possible.

I intend to lift those I connect with however insignificant to greater levels of healing and loving. I intend to help all those I come in connect with recognize who they really are.

My Intentions with Steve

I intend to create a deeply loving relationship with Steve. I intend that this relationship will bring more love, fun, safety, security, ease, laughter, freedom, trust, respect, tenderness, intimacy, joy, and love for both of us.

I intend to open my heart as fully as possible to feel Steve's magnificent love.

I intend that Steve and I lovingly support each other in our individual dreams and goals. 

I intend that Steve and I both feel deeply and richly loved and supported by the other.

I intend that Steve and I enjoy each others lives, interest and passion while allowing freedom for each of us to enjoy our independent lives as well, enriching ourselves and each other through these experiences. 

I intend that the communication between Steve and I be crystal clear, both with words and beyond words.

I intend to enjoy my relationship with Steve, allowing it to unfold and deepen with love and ease.

I intend that Steve and I find easy compromises and meet each others needs while honoring our own. I intend that this will result in ideas and realities far better than either of us could originally conceive or create.

I intend to create the most loving relationship possible with Steve.

I intend to create a committed relationship with Steve in which I feel valued, respected and loved.

I intend no matter what challenges or opportunities Steve and I face to always  remember the love we share.

My Intentions for My Family and Home

I intend to support my children in separate but loving ways without enabling and see them as the strong, loving, capable, creative and successful people they are.

I intend to create a home that fill my family and me with peace, joy, happiness, safety and ease.

I intend to easily  fill our surroundings with comfort, beauty, and love energetically and physically.

I intend that my home is loving and transformative place for us and the people in our lives to grow love and heal.

My Intentions for Abundance

I intend for unlimited cash and resources to flow into my life easily, abundantly, and endlessly.

I intend my financial abundance  to provide greater and greater levels of security, freedom and ease.

I intend to create more than enough money for all my needs and desires.  I intend that this money will make me feel abundant, secure, safe, and financially free.

I intend that this money will come to me in easy ways.

I intend for this money to manifest in perfect timing.

My Intentions for My Health

I intend that my physical body is 100% vital, healthy and filled with energy.

I intend to keep my body weight at its healthy range with ease.

I intend to reverse the aging process and fully rejuvenate my physical body. I intend to look and feel ageless.

I intend to be drawn to and crave movement, food and supplements that my body needs to stay in perfect shape.

I intend that my great health will have the greatest positive impact on my physical, spiritual and mental self.

I intend to crave only those things that are good for me.

I intend to always have the energy to do those things to keep me healthy.

My Intentions For Work

I  intend every minute I work to be filled with fun, creativity, excitement, abundance, prosperity, joy, service, and positive surprises.

I intend to work with  like minded people that create a supportive, healthy, nurturing surrounding at work.

I intend to find meaning in my work, be it the broadest dreams or the tiniest detail.

I intend to gracefully and gratefully perform my work in perfect timing with joy, fun and the highest level  of positive impact as possible.

I intend to create a job I love that makes me feel  excited, creative, prosperous, abundant, joyful and appreciated. 

I intend that this job will be filled with fun, positive challenges and co-workers I love to work with.

I intend to be fully compensated for this job, with a salary that is more than I expected.

I intend that this job will have ample opportunities for growth and development. 

I intend that this job will make me feel prosperous, respected, creative, appreciated, excited and eternally thankful.

The Ten Breaths Practice

When a beautiful moment presents itself and you encounter something you would like to savor, such as sunlight on a dewdrop:

1. Stop what you are doing.
2. Close your eyes, put your dominant hand on your belly, and begin to pay attention to your breathing. Notice the rise and fall of your hand on your belly as you breathe. Take three deep breaths to settle and clear your mind.
3. When you feel more present, open your eyes and look at the object of your concentration. Take a deep, slow breath in and out. That is "one".
4. Continue counting each breath: "two" "three" "four". Let your encounter unfold naturally. Just behold the object of  your concentration and observe it without mental commentary or judgement as you count. Notice it's color, shape, sound or smell.
5. While counting, become  aware of your body and any sensation or emotion that might arise. Allow every cell if your body to open up to the encounter. Allow the experience to be as full as possible. Don't holdback.
6. When you have reached "10" rest in the feeling of this moment. Then if you like, take 10 more breaths in the same way. - Glen Schneider

Am I Delusional?

This was a question and answer posted in one of my favorite magazines and it resonated with me.

Sometimes during meditation I feel my body is the entire universe. Am I delusional?

Think of it this way: your lungs are part of your body, and without them you would die, but lungs alone are useless. Among other things, your lungs need oxygen, something your body does not produce. Trees and planets produce oxygen, it's only logical to recognize trees and plants as part of your body as well. Trees and plants depend upon earth, sea, sky, and sun, so these too are part of your body. Since earth, sea, sky and sun need the rest of the solar system to function, the solar system, too is your body; and since the solar system needs the galaxy, and the galaxy needs...You see where this is going. The entire universe is your body. Nothing delusional about this at all. - Rabbi Ram Shapiro