Being defensive
Tolerating draining friends and family
Not getting enough sleep
Thinking negatively
Over thinking
Telling myself stories
Not practicing self-care
Being a workaholic
Letting people cross my personal boundaries.
Letting peoples behaviors get to me
Self deprecating behavior
Inactivity, sedative lifestyle
Too much social media - screen time
Self Doubt
Comparing myself to others.
Putting others before myself
Worrying what everybody thinks for me.
Shit talking
Not making myself a priority
Holding on to past grudges
Not loving myself
Eating poorly
Not enjoying my life everyday
Being judgmental
Poor attitude
Not being grateful
Lack of appreciation
Living Authentically...Living My Truth
Dr. Seuss said it best: Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive, who is youer than you.
I have a love of learning and when I become interested in something I love to study it. Some of the things I am studying right now include: Authenticity, Happiness, Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Herbal Remedies, Energy Healing, Crystals, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Gratitude, Rituals, Chakra, Aruvedic Medicine and Doshas, Essential Oils, Cannabis, Moon Cycles, Positive Thinking, Yoga and Tarot just to name a few.
This blog is one place to keep all the information I come a cross that I don't want to lose. Feel free to take a look around.
Friday, December 27, 2019
30 Things I am Leaving Behind in 2019!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Emotional Intelligence
e·mo·tion·al in·tel·li·gence
1. the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically."emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"
At a recent managers conference we had a guest speaker talk to us about Emotional Intelligence. I had heard this term before but didn't think much of it until hearing this speaker and it resonated me very deeply. It aligns so much with my understanding of living an authentic life. So the research began. I found this article on INC.COM and it hit home on a deeper level, although I believe we can use this in every aspect of our life...So what is "emotional intelligence"
It is a way to focus your energy with tremendous results.
But there's a catch. Emotional intelligence won't do a thing for you if you aren't genuine.
Sincere leaders are far more effective at motivating people, because they inspire trust and admiration through their actions, not just their words. Many leaders say that authenticity is important to them, but genuine leaders walk their talk every day.
It's not enough to just go through the motions, trying to demonstrate qualities that are associated with emotional intelligence. You have to be genuine.
You can do a gut check to find out how genuine you are by comparing your own behavior with that of people who are highly genuine. Consider the hallmarks of genuine people and see how you stack up.
"Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity." -Janet Louise Stephenson
1. Genuine people don't try to make people like them.
Genuine people are who they are. They know that some people will like them, and some won't. And they're OK with that. It's not that they don't care whether other people will like them but simply that they're not going to let that get in the way of doing the right thing. They're willing to make unpopular decisions and to take unpopular positions if that's what needs to be done.
Since genuine people aren't desperate for attention, they don't try to show off. They know that when they speak in a friendly, confident, and concise manner, people are much more attentive to and interested in what they have to say than if they try to show that they're important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what or how many people you know.
2. They don't pass judgment.
Genuine people are open-minded, which makes them approachable and interesting to others. No one wants to have a conversation with someone who has already formed an opinion and is not willing to listen.
Having an open mind is crucial in the workplace, as approachability means access to new ideas and help. To eliminate preconceived notions and judgment, you need to see the world through other people's eyes. This doesn't require you to believe what they believe or condone their behavior; it simply means you quit passing judgment long enough to truly understand what makes them tick. Only then can you let them be who they are.
3. They forge their own paths.
Genuine people don't derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from the opinions of others. This frees them up to follow their own internal compasses. They know who they are and don't pretend to be anyone else. Their direction comes from within, from their own principles and values. They do what they believe to be the right thing, and they're not swayed by the fact that somebody might not like it.
4. They are generous.
We've all worked with people who constantly hold something back, whether it's knowledge or resources. They act as if they're afraid you'll outshine them if they give you access to everything you need to do your job. Genuine people are unfailingly generous with whom they know, what they know, and the resources they have. They want you to do well, because they're team players and they're confident enough to never worry that your success might make them look bad. In fact, they believe that your success is their success.
5. They treat everyone with respect.
Whether interacting with their biggest clients or servers taking their drink orders, genuine people are unfailingly polite and respectful. They understand that no matter how nice they are to the people they have lunch with, it's all for naught if those people witness them behaving badly toward others. Genuine people treat everyone with respect because they believe they're no better than anyone else.
6. They aren't motivated by material things.
Genuine people don't need shiny, fancy stuff to feel good. It's not that they think it's wrong to go out and buy the latest and greatest items to show off their status; they just don't need to do this to be happy. Their happiness comes from within, as well as from the simpler pleasures--such as friends, family, and a sense of purpose--that make life rich.
7. They are trustworthy.
People gravitate toward those who are genuine because they know they can trust them. It is difficult to like someone when you don't know who that person really is and how he or she really feels. Genuine people mean what they say, and if they make a commitment, they keep it. You never hear truly genuine people say, "Oh, I just said that to make the meeting end faster." You know that if they say something, it's because they believe it to be true.
8. They are thick-skinned.
Genuine people have a strong enough sense of self that they don't go around seeing offense that isn't there. If somebody criticizes one of their ideas, they don't treat this as a personal attack. There's no need for them to jump to conclusions, feel insulted, and start plotting their revenge. They're able to objectively evaluate negative and constructive feedback, accept what works, put it into practice, and leave the rest of it behind without developing hard feelings.
9. They put away their phones.
Nothing turns someone off to you like a mid-conversation text message or even a quick glance at your phone. When genuine people commit to a conversation, they focus all of their energy on the conversation. You will find that conversations are more enjoyable and effective when you immerse yourself in them. When you robotically approach people with small talk and are tethered to your phone, this puts their brains on autopilot and prevents them from having any real affinity for you. Genuine people create connection and find depth even in short, everyday conversations. Their genuine interest in other people makes it easy for them to ask good questions and relate what they're told to other important facets of the speaker's life.
10. They aren't driven by ego.
Genuine people don't make decisions based on their egos because they don't need the admiration of others to feel good about themselves. Likewise, they don't seek the limelight or try to take credit for other people's accomplishments. They simply do what needs to be done without saying, "Hey, look at me!"
11. They aren't hypocrites.
Genuine people practice what they preach. They don't tell you to do one thing and then do the opposite themselves. That's largely owing to their self-awareness. Many hypocrites don't even recognize their mistakes. They're blind to their own weaknesses. Genuine people, on the other hand, fix their own problems first.
12. They don't brag.
We've all worked with people who can't stop talking about themselves and their accomplishments. Have you ever wondered why? They boast and brag because they're insecure and worried that if they don't point out their accomplishments, no one will notice. Genuine people don't need to brag. They're confident in their accomplishments, but they also realize that when you truly do something that matters, it stands on its own merits, regardless of how many people notice or appreciate it.
Bringing It All Together
Genuine people know who they are. They are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin. They are firmly grounded in reality, and they're truly present in each moment because they're not trying to figure out someone else's agenda or worrying about their own.
1. the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically."emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"
At a recent managers conference we had a guest speaker talk to us about Emotional Intelligence. I had heard this term before but didn't think much of it until hearing this speaker and it resonated me very deeply. It aligns so much with my understanding of living an authentic life. So the research began. I found this article on INC.COM and it hit home on a deeper level, although I believe we can use this in every aspect of our life...So what is "emotional intelligence"
It is a way to focus your energy with tremendous results.
But there's a catch. Emotional intelligence won't do a thing for you if you aren't genuine.
Sincere leaders are far more effective at motivating people, because they inspire trust and admiration through their actions, not just their words. Many leaders say that authenticity is important to them, but genuine leaders walk their talk every day.
It's not enough to just go through the motions, trying to demonstrate qualities that are associated with emotional intelligence. You have to be genuine.
You can do a gut check to find out how genuine you are by comparing your own behavior with that of people who are highly genuine. Consider the hallmarks of genuine people and see how you stack up.
"Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity." -Janet Louise Stephenson
1. Genuine people don't try to make people like them.
Genuine people are who they are. They know that some people will like them, and some won't. And they're OK with that. It's not that they don't care whether other people will like them but simply that they're not going to let that get in the way of doing the right thing. They're willing to make unpopular decisions and to take unpopular positions if that's what needs to be done.
Since genuine people aren't desperate for attention, they don't try to show off. They know that when they speak in a friendly, confident, and concise manner, people are much more attentive to and interested in what they have to say than if they try to show that they're important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what or how many people you know.
2. They don't pass judgment.
Genuine people are open-minded, which makes them approachable and interesting to others. No one wants to have a conversation with someone who has already formed an opinion and is not willing to listen.
Having an open mind is crucial in the workplace, as approachability means access to new ideas and help. To eliminate preconceived notions and judgment, you need to see the world through other people's eyes. This doesn't require you to believe what they believe or condone their behavior; it simply means you quit passing judgment long enough to truly understand what makes them tick. Only then can you let them be who they are.
3. They forge their own paths.
Genuine people don't derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from the opinions of others. This frees them up to follow their own internal compasses. They know who they are and don't pretend to be anyone else. Their direction comes from within, from their own principles and values. They do what they believe to be the right thing, and they're not swayed by the fact that somebody might not like it.
4. They are generous.
We've all worked with people who constantly hold something back, whether it's knowledge or resources. They act as if they're afraid you'll outshine them if they give you access to everything you need to do your job. Genuine people are unfailingly generous with whom they know, what they know, and the resources they have. They want you to do well, because they're team players and they're confident enough to never worry that your success might make them look bad. In fact, they believe that your success is their success.
5. They treat everyone with respect.
Whether interacting with their biggest clients or servers taking their drink orders, genuine people are unfailingly polite and respectful. They understand that no matter how nice they are to the people they have lunch with, it's all for naught if those people witness them behaving badly toward others. Genuine people treat everyone with respect because they believe they're no better than anyone else.
6. They aren't motivated by material things.
Genuine people don't need shiny, fancy stuff to feel good. It's not that they think it's wrong to go out and buy the latest and greatest items to show off their status; they just don't need to do this to be happy. Their happiness comes from within, as well as from the simpler pleasures--such as friends, family, and a sense of purpose--that make life rich.
7. They are trustworthy.
People gravitate toward those who are genuine because they know they can trust them. It is difficult to like someone when you don't know who that person really is and how he or she really feels. Genuine people mean what they say, and if they make a commitment, they keep it. You never hear truly genuine people say, "Oh, I just said that to make the meeting end faster." You know that if they say something, it's because they believe it to be true.
8. They are thick-skinned.
Genuine people have a strong enough sense of self that they don't go around seeing offense that isn't there. If somebody criticizes one of their ideas, they don't treat this as a personal attack. There's no need for them to jump to conclusions, feel insulted, and start plotting their revenge. They're able to objectively evaluate negative and constructive feedback, accept what works, put it into practice, and leave the rest of it behind without developing hard feelings.
9. They put away their phones.
Nothing turns someone off to you like a mid-conversation text message or even a quick glance at your phone. When genuine people commit to a conversation, they focus all of their energy on the conversation. You will find that conversations are more enjoyable and effective when you immerse yourself in them. When you robotically approach people with small talk and are tethered to your phone, this puts their brains on autopilot and prevents them from having any real affinity for you. Genuine people create connection and find depth even in short, everyday conversations. Their genuine interest in other people makes it easy for them to ask good questions and relate what they're told to other important facets of the speaker's life.
10. They aren't driven by ego.
Genuine people don't make decisions based on their egos because they don't need the admiration of others to feel good about themselves. Likewise, they don't seek the limelight or try to take credit for other people's accomplishments. They simply do what needs to be done without saying, "Hey, look at me!"
11. They aren't hypocrites.
Genuine people practice what they preach. They don't tell you to do one thing and then do the opposite themselves. That's largely owing to their self-awareness. Many hypocrites don't even recognize their mistakes. They're blind to their own weaknesses. Genuine people, on the other hand, fix their own problems first.
12. They don't brag.
We've all worked with people who can't stop talking about themselves and their accomplishments. Have you ever wondered why? They boast and brag because they're insecure and worried that if they don't point out their accomplishments, no one will notice. Genuine people don't need to brag. They're confident in their accomplishments, but they also realize that when you truly do something that matters, it stands on its own merits, regardless of how many people notice or appreciate it.
Bringing It All Together
Genuine people know who they are. They are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin. They are firmly grounded in reality, and they're truly present in each moment because they're not trying to figure out someone else's agenda or worrying about their own.

Monday, August 8, 2016
Hydration has been a problem for me over the last year. Never a problem before but lately I just can't seem to get in the habit of drinking enough water. This problem resulted in getting Kidney Stones, something I never want to get again but still I am having a problem remembering to drink water. So what did I do to help remember to drink my water, I ordered a "MYHYDRATE" and it just arrived. Crossing my fingers it will help me out. While I was reading the info
packet I found some great information that I am hoping will keep me
inspired to drink...drink...drink, water that is.
Here are some tips for MYHYDRATE.COM
1. Relieves fatigue and increases energy. The brain is mostly composed of water and therefore drinking more alter helps you in focusing, concentrating and thinking in a better way. It also helps you in being more alert along with a boost in levels of energy.
2. Promotes the pattern of weight loss. Water helps in removing the derivatives of fat and helps in bringing about a reduction in eating intake if consumed before meals. Water also reduces hunger, raises the metabolism, and contains zero calories.
3. Flushes out harmful toxins. Water helps you get rid of wastes through urination and sweat and ultimately helps in reducing the risk or urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
4. Improves the complexion. It moisturizes the skin and helps in keeping it smooth, glowing, and fresh. Water also helps in getting good riddance from wrinkles and works the form if anti-aging treatment. Your skin appears, jubilant and bright by the intake of extra water. If you want to have soft skin , then the best option for you is to drink water in large quantities.
5. Maintains regularity. Water plays a very important role in helping an individual digest the food that he or she takes in the best way possible. It maintains regularity and even helps in the prevention of constipation.
6. Makes you stay sharp. People who have this strong desire of being focused and upbeat, it is essential for them to drink lots of water. Brain fog can trigger dehydration and therefore drinking water is essential for people who feel forgetful and confused.
7. Reduces cancer risk. Cancer organizations support evidence that drinking more water lowers a person's risk of bladder cancer. Staying properly hydrated also is linked by various research to lowering risks of breast, colon prostate and urinary cancers.
8. Helps you be less cranky. Dehydration can have a negative impact on your mood, which will make you confused and grumpy. Try drinking extra water to be happier and thin king in a clearer manner.
9. Helps in alleviating joint pain. The acute pain felt in the joints can be reduced by drinking water in large amounts. Water keeps the cartilage hydrated and soft.
10. Prevents headaches. Sometimes dehydration might cause headaches and therefore drinking enough water can help in alleviating or preventing nasty headaches. There are a variety of other health related problems that can be solved effectively by the intake of enough water. It is best to have one or two glasses of fresh water as soon as you get up from bed. This will help you in staying fit and healthy.
Here are some tips for MYHYDRATE.COM
1. Relieves fatigue and increases energy. The brain is mostly composed of water and therefore drinking more alter helps you in focusing, concentrating and thinking in a better way. It also helps you in being more alert along with a boost in levels of energy.
2. Promotes the pattern of weight loss. Water helps in removing the derivatives of fat and helps in bringing about a reduction in eating intake if consumed before meals. Water also reduces hunger, raises the metabolism, and contains zero calories.
3. Flushes out harmful toxins. Water helps you get rid of wastes through urination and sweat and ultimately helps in reducing the risk or urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
4. Improves the complexion. It moisturizes the skin and helps in keeping it smooth, glowing, and fresh. Water also helps in getting good riddance from wrinkles and works the form if anti-aging treatment. Your skin appears, jubilant and bright by the intake of extra water. If you want to have soft skin , then the best option for you is to drink water in large quantities.
5. Maintains regularity. Water plays a very important role in helping an individual digest the food that he or she takes in the best way possible. It maintains regularity and even helps in the prevention of constipation.
6. Makes you stay sharp. People who have this strong desire of being focused and upbeat, it is essential for them to drink lots of water. Brain fog can trigger dehydration and therefore drinking water is essential for people who feel forgetful and confused.
7. Reduces cancer risk. Cancer organizations support evidence that drinking more water lowers a person's risk of bladder cancer. Staying properly hydrated also is linked by various research to lowering risks of breast, colon prostate and urinary cancers.
8. Helps you be less cranky. Dehydration can have a negative impact on your mood, which will make you confused and grumpy. Try drinking extra water to be happier and thin king in a clearer manner.
9. Helps in alleviating joint pain. The acute pain felt in the joints can be reduced by drinking water in large amounts. Water keeps the cartilage hydrated and soft.
10. Prevents headaches. Sometimes dehydration might cause headaches and therefore drinking enough water can help in alleviating or preventing nasty headaches. There are a variety of other health related problems that can be solved effectively by the intake of enough water. It is best to have one or two glasses of fresh water as soon as you get up from bed. This will help you in staying fit and healthy.
Natural Air Conditioning
Everywhere I go this summer, I hear complaints about the weather and the fact that we have not had much sun. That is absolutely right we have not had very much sun...but count your blessing, we are still so much better off than most of the United States where they are currently having record breaking heat.
So lets look on the positive side!!!
No high electric bills due to air conditioning...we have natural air conditioning.
Beautiful green grass and trees...not dead dry grass that is a ongoing fire hazard and an eye sore.
Cool comfortable evening temp that allow you to sleep comfortably...not sweaty hot tossing and turning nights.
Best of all we can enjoy being outside because it is warm, not hot...There are so many people out their right now that are confined to their home because of the heat.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE the sun, but I also know when to be happy with what we have. After all we are blessed, and no matter what time of year it is, Seattle is a beautiful place to live!
Power Pose
Recently I was at a conference for work and we had a guest speakers talking about Amy Cuddy's research on body language and how we can change not only our perceptions of our our self but also others perceptions of us, even our own body chemistry by simply changing our body position.
Standing like a Super Hero for as little as 2 minutes changes our testosterone and cortisol levels, increases our performance and appetite for risk, it also generally configures our brains to cope well in stressful situations.
By putting your body into a "Power Pose" think Wonder Women, you can actually affect your own confidence. Amy said "Our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behaviors and our behaviors can change our outcomes. Don't fake it till you make it, fake it till you become it."
I once had a person I worked with who said that everyday she stood in front of the mirror and pretended to put on her Super Hero costume, She imagined stepping into it and pulling it up. She then stood in the Power Pose for a couple of minutes all while telling herself that nothing could harm her, negativity would bounce right off her and that she was strong and confident. I think back now to what great info that was.
Truly a simple practice that could change our lives.
Standing like a Super Hero for as little as 2 minutes changes our testosterone and cortisol levels, increases our performance and appetite for risk, it also generally configures our brains to cope well in stressful situations.
By putting your body into a "Power Pose" think Wonder Women, you can actually affect your own confidence. Amy said "Our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behaviors and our behaviors can change our outcomes. Don't fake it till you make it, fake it till you become it."
I once had a person I worked with who said that everyday she stood in front of the mirror and pretended to put on her Super Hero costume, She imagined stepping into it and pulling it up. She then stood in the Power Pose for a couple of minutes all while telling herself that nothing could harm her, negativity would bounce right off her and that she was strong and confident. I think back now to what great info that was.
Truly a simple practice that could change our lives.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Spreading Lovingkindess
1. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
2. Take slow, deep breaths, being aware of the breath as it enters and leaves the body. Let your thoughts come and go easily.
3. Repeat the following phrases silently:
May I be safe
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I live with ease
Continue feeling these wishes toward yourself for a minute or two until you experience a sense of peace inside.
4. Now, move onto your friends and family. Picture one of them as you send the following wishes silently:
May you be safe
May you be happy
May your be healthy
May you live with ease
Continue sending these wishes until you feel a flow of love in your heart.
5. Now send these wishes to all the loving beings around the world. Continue until you feel a sense of expansiion in your heart.
2. Take slow, deep breaths, being aware of the breath as it enters and leaves the body. Let your thoughts come and go easily.
3. Repeat the following phrases silently:
May I be safe
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I live with ease
Continue feeling these wishes toward yourself for a minute or two until you experience a sense of peace inside.
4. Now, move onto your friends and family. Picture one of them as you send the following wishes silently:
May you be safe
May you be happy
May your be healthy
May you live with ease
Continue sending these wishes until you feel a flow of love in your heart.
5. Now send these wishes to all the loving beings around the world. Continue until you feel a sense of expansiion in your heart.
The Code - Ten Intentions for a Better World
I refrain from opposing or harming anyone. I allow to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honor it as if it were my own. I support life
I follow my inner compass and discard and beliefs that are no longer serving me. I go to the source. I seek it.
I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course
I let go so there is room for something better to come in. I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.
I see good, say good, do good. I accept the gifts from all of my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.
After intending and surrendering, I take action my following the opportunities that are presented to me. I am in the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling my desires and doing what I cam here to do. I synchronize.
I practice love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share. I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.
I am a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.
I create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I share my vision.
I see humanity as one. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself. We synergize.
I refrain from opposing or harming anyone. I allow to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honor it as if it were my own. I support life
I follow my inner compass and discard and beliefs that are no longer serving me. I go to the source. I seek it.
I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course
I let go so there is room for something better to come in. I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.
I see good, say good, do good. I accept the gifts from all of my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.
After intending and surrendering, I take action my following the opportunities that are presented to me. I am in the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling my desires and doing what I cam here to do. I synchronize.
I practice love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share. I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.
I am a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.
I create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I share my vision.
I see humanity as one. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself. We synergize.
The Rules for Being Human / Ancient Sanskrit
You may like it or not, but it will be yours for the entire period round.
You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
Growth is a process of trail and error, experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the
process as the experiment that ultimately works.
A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it, then you can go on the next
There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
When your "there" has become "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will, again look better than "here".
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love of hate about yourself.
You have all the tools and resources you need, what you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
The answers to life's questions lie inside you. ll you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
Do It Anyway - Mother Teresa
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered:
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives:
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies:
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you
What you spend years building, someone could destroy:
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous:
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow:
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough:
It was never between you and them
Top 10 Words of Wisdom by Gandhi
Be the Change
What you think you become
Where there is love there is live
Learn as if yo'll live forever
Your Health is your real wealth
Have a sense of humor
Your life is you message
Actions expresses priorities
Our greatness is being able to remake ourselves
Find yourself in the service of others
What you think you become
Where there is love there is live
Learn as if yo'll live forever
Your Health is your real wealth
Have a sense of humor
Your life is you message
Actions expresses priorities
Our greatness is being able to remake ourselves
Find yourself in the service of others
The LOVE Bank
Inside all of us is a Love Bank with accounts in the names of everyone we know. When these people are associated with our good feelings, "love units" are deposited into their accounts, and when they are associated with our bad feelings, love units are withdrawn. We are emotionally attracted to people with positive balances and repulsed by those with negative balances. This is the way our emotions encourage us to be with people who seem to treat us well, and avoid those who seem to hurt us.
The emotional reactions we have toward people, whether attraction or repulsion, is not a matter of choice. Love Bank balances cause them. Try "choosing" to be attracted to those you associate with some of your worst experiences -- it's almost impossible. Or try to feel repulsed by those associated with your best feelings. You do not decide whom you will like or dislike -- it's their association with your feelings, whether they have made Love Bank deposits or withdrawals, that determines your emotional reactions to them.
We like those with positive Love Bank balances and dislike those with negative balances. But if an account reaches a certain threshold, a very special emotional reaction is triggered -- romantic love. We no longer simply like the person -- we are in love. It's a feeling of incredible attraction to someone of the opposite sex.
The feeling of love is the way our emotions encourage us to spend more time with someone who takes especially good care of us -- someone who is effective at making us very happy and knows how to avoid making us unhappy. We would certainly want to spend time with someone we simply liked, but by giving us the feeling we call love, our emotions give us added motivation. We find ourselves not only wanting to be with the person, but also craving that person. When we are together we feel fulfilled, and when apart we feel lonely and incomplete. So the feeling of love is usually effective not only in drawing people together for significant amounts of time, but also in encouraging them to spend their entire lives together in marriage.
But our emotions give us more than the feeling of love. When they identify someone who makes us happy, they also motivate us to reciprocate by encouraging us to make that person happy. They do this by making it seem almost effortless to do what makes most of us the happiest. Have you ever noticed that when you are in love, you seem instinctively affectionate, conversant, admiring and willing to make love? That's because your emotions want to keep that person around, so it gives you instincts to help you make that person happy which, if effective, triggers his or her feeling of love for you. The "look of love" not only communicates our feeling of love for someone, but also reflects our instinct to do whatever it takes to make that person happy.
When a man and woman are both in love, their emotions encourage them to make each other happy for life. In fact, the thought of spending life apart is usually frightening. It seems to them that they were made to be together for eternity. In almost every case, a man and woman marry because they are in love, and they are in love because their love bank balances are above the romantic love threshold.
But what goes up can usually come down, and love bank balances are no exception. As most married couples have discovered, the feeling of romantic love is much more fragile than originally thought. And if Love Bank balances drop below the romantic love threshold, a couple not only lose their feeling of passion for each other, but they lose their instinct to make each other happy. What was once effortless now becomes awkward, and even repulsive. Instead of the look of love, couples have the look of apathy. And without love, a husband and wife no longer want to spend their lives together. Instead, they start thinking of divorce, or at least living their lives apart from one another.
It should be obvious to you by now that the Love Bank is an extremely important concept in marriage. If you want your instincts and emotions to support your marriage you must keep your Love Bank accounts over the romantic love threshold. But how can you keep your balances that high? And what can you do if they have already fallen below that threshold?
I've worked long and hard to find answers to those questions, because they hold the key to saving marriages. Without love, spouses are poorly motivated to remain married for life, but with the restoration of love and its accompanying instinct to spend life together, the threat of divorce is overcome. Marriages are saved when love is restored.
All of my remaining basic concepts will help me explain the answer to those questions, but the general principle is simple: If a couple wants to have a happy and fulfilling marriage, they must make as many Love Bank deposits as possible and avoid making withdrawals. To achieve this, behavior must change. A husband and wife must learn how to make each other happy, and how to stop making each other unhappy.
~Dr. Harley
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT is a method for releasing negative energy. EFT is a technique to relieve pressure and blockages in the meridian points and meridian lines of the body. By tapping a sequence of specific points on your body, you can release negative and painful emotions and increase flow of vitality and well being throughout body and mind.
The points are
Karate chop - the outer edge of hand that you would land a karate chop
Eyebrow - the inner edge of the eye brow closest to the bridge of the nose
Side of eye - the hard area where brow ends between eye and temple
Under eye - the hard area under the eye that merges with the cheekbone
Under nose - the point centered between your nose and upper lip
Chin - the point between the bottom of the lower lip and chin
Collarbone - the point just below the hard ridge of the collarbone
Underarm - the point on the side of the body four inches beneath the armpit
Head - the crown, center, top of head
To begin this exercise, take a moment to touch each of the EFT points, making a mental note of how each feels. They may feel different before and after using EFT.
Next identify an issue or problem that you would like to release. For example "my job is really frustrating me". Think about how this situation is affecting you emotionally.
Now, create a "set up" statement by adding an affirmation of yourself as a person. For example "even though my job frustrates me, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself." Repeat this statement three times out loud while simultaneously tapping the Karate chop point of one hand using four fingers of the opposite hand.
Than, tap the following sequence of points using two to four fingers of one hand: head, eyebrow, side of eye, under eye, under nose, chine, collarbone, underarm, and back to the head. Tap each point five to seven times at a moderate pace (about two taps per second) before moving to the next point. As you tap, repeat a simple reminder phrase , such as "job frustration".
Finally, take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Focus on your problem again, and gauge how you feel. Has your frustration level diminished? Did you feel a release of your emotion? By consistently and frequently practicing EFT, you can release negative emotions, relax more completely, and make yourself feel better.
The points are
Karate chop - the outer edge of hand that you would land a karate chop
Eyebrow - the inner edge of the eye brow closest to the bridge of the nose
Side of eye - the hard area where brow ends between eye and temple
Under eye - the hard area under the eye that merges with the cheekbone
Under nose - the point centered between your nose and upper lip
Chin - the point between the bottom of the lower lip and chin
Collarbone - the point just below the hard ridge of the collarbone
Underarm - the point on the side of the body four inches beneath the armpit
Head - the crown, center, top of head
To begin this exercise, take a moment to touch each of the EFT points, making a mental note of how each feels. They may feel different before and after using EFT.
Next identify an issue or problem that you would like to release. For example "my job is really frustrating me". Think about how this situation is affecting you emotionally.
Now, create a "set up" statement by adding an affirmation of yourself as a person. For example "even though my job frustrates me, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself." Repeat this statement three times out loud while simultaneously tapping the Karate chop point of one hand using four fingers of the opposite hand.
Than, tap the following sequence of points using two to four fingers of one hand: head, eyebrow, side of eye, under eye, under nose, chine, collarbone, underarm, and back to the head. Tap each point five to seven times at a moderate pace (about two taps per second) before moving to the next point. As you tap, repeat a simple reminder phrase , such as "job frustration".
Finally, take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Focus on your problem again, and gauge how you feel. Has your frustration level diminished? Did you feel a release of your emotion? By consistently and frequently practicing EFT, you can release negative emotions, relax more completely, and make yourself feel better.
A Cherokee Legend
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Ho'oponopono is a practice from the ancient Hunan tradition in Hawaii. This exercise allows you to cleanse your self-judgments and to make peace with yourself. The technique is simple but effective. When you have a negative thought or feel negative energy toward yourself, say the following to yourself.
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
Continue to say these short phrases until you feel that you've released some of the negative energy. Doing this on a regular basis will help you to feel lighter, have more energy, and make peace with yourself.
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
Continue to say these short phrases until you feel that you've released some of the negative energy. Doing this on a regular basis will help you to feel lighter, have more energy, and make peace with yourself.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Two Dogs
There is a story they tell of two dogs. Both at separate times walk into the same room. One comes out wagging his tail while the other comes our growling. A woman watching this goes into the room to see what could possibly make one dog so happy and the other so mad. To her surprise she finds a room filled with mirrors. The happy dog found a thousand happy dogs looking back at him while the angry dog saw only angry dogs growling back at him. What you see in the world around you is a reflection of who you are.
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