I have a love of learning and when I become interested in something I love to study it. Some of the things I am studying right now include: Authenticity, Happiness, Health and Wellness, Spirituality, Herbal Remedies, Energy Healing, Crystals, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Gratitude, Rituals, Chakra, Aruvedic Medicine and Doshas, Essential Oils, Cannabis, Moon Cycles, Positive Thinking, Yoga and Tarot just to name a few.

This blog is one place to keep all the information I come a cross that I don't want to lose. Feel free to take a look around.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spreading Lovingkindess

1. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
2. Take slow, deep breaths, being aware of the breath as it enters and leaves the body. Let your thoughts come and go easily.
3. Repeat the following phrases silently:
          May I be safe
          May I be happy
          May I be healthy
          May I live with ease
Continue feeling these wishes toward yourself for a minute or two until you experience a sense of peace inside.
4. Now, move onto your friends and family. Picture one of them as you send the  following wishes silently:
          May you be safe
          May you be happy
          May your be healthy
          May you live with ease
Continue sending these wishes until you feel a flow of love in your heart.
5. Now send these wishes to all the loving beings around the world. Continue until you feel a sense of expansiion in your heart.

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